While going through the process of submitting the project to Kickstarter there were a couple of red flags. It was not so clear if we needed an Amazon Payments account or to fulfill Kickstarter’s interpretation of what is required for a valid Amazon Payments account.
Typically Amazon Payments accounts have a verified Credit Card from the USA held by an individual with a valid SSN (Social Security Number). But it is also possible to obtain an Amazon Payments account using a validated business bank account and the Employer Identity Number. At least this is my understanding.
So some exchanges with Kickstarter clarified that they need a verified Amazon Payments account. They are not concerned about how we meet Amazon’s requirements. This is comforting and I mention it because it might save you some concern.
This is totally disappointment for me
Also iam little confused about that. First i understand that “Non-US people cant have verified amazon payment account”,then “Non-US people cant have validated payment method on kickstarter” and result is ” Non-US people cant use kickstarter to fund their projects ” I wish that iam wrong” am i ? Also i check amazon site for informations but i couldnt find anything that says : We accept just US citizens. By the Turk that iam , i cant fund my project on kickstarter. Its realy big disappointment.
You are correct that Kickstarter requires Amazon Payments. There are two ways to get an Amazon Payments account. One way requires a US issued credit card and you need to be a US resident to get one. Another way is to use a US bank account associated with a US business, this is what I have done. You do not need to be a US resident to own and operate a US based business.
Another possibility is to have a friend or project partner in the US who collects the funds from the Kickstarter project. I looked into having a friend collect the funds but it is complicated regarding tax. So I decided to create a company.
I’m facing the same issue at the moment: I’m planning to start a Kickstarter project in a few months but I’m not an US resident. I also don’t know anybody, besides the fact that my understatement of American and German tax-system is not very profound (to my defense: I don’t think it’s even possible to understand it). I found bridgestarter.com but I’m not sure if I can trust them.
That’s why I’d like to know how the whole process worked for you? What did you do?
I used a lawyer based in California to help establish a company in Delaware. Haim was recommended to me by a friend. There is a brief introduction of Haim in the “Who” menu section of this blog. I was not aware of Bridgestarter.com
Hi Mark.
Would it be possible to grab the details of the lawyer you used to set up your company in deleware?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Joe,