It is great to have Pedro dos Reis helping out in an advisory role. I met Pedro through the Just Street Photography group on Flickr, he also started the Real Street Photography group.
Since a Photography Course at MEF in 2002, Pedro has been developing work in the visual arts – using photography and video. This led to exposure in magazines, both in Portugal and internationally, such as Sonic Scope Quarterly, Dif, Bant Magazine, LVHRD Mgzn, Parq and Bypass. Another string to Pedro’s bow is a number of collaborative projects, like Globalcity Project – of which is the author, Unsound Thinkers and Exquisite Corpse (with multimedia artist Peishan Kao, presented at NYU and Monkeytown).
Keep up the good work, Can wait to get my new iphone and try this!
Thanks Hugo !