We all receive a lot of spam but this is a new one for me:
Your app currently have negative ratings this is due to competitor who are trying to make a wrong impression of you app. We provides Customer reviews and ratings for “free” iTunes apps (iPhone, iPad, iPod). You can contact us any time for further details.
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These Reviews and Ratings help app to get boost in sells and create a good reputation for your app.
Why us?
1) IMPORTANT : Protection from Detection of “APPLE BOT POLICY”. We are only one here who can provide reviews without any banned of your app from apple.
2) Downloads, installs, 5-Star ratings for your app.
3) Reviews from USA, UK, AUS, CANADA customers.
4) Fair rates.
What you will get?
1) When ever someone visit your app, your app get downloads because of his good reviews and ratings.
2) Reach out to potential customers.
3) Get reviews without getting banned from apple bot policy.
It will be great to working with you.
Thanks and Regards
We will charge $150 for 50 Reviews.