OlloCorrect was released on the App store a couple of days ago. There have been a few reviews. One stated “a must have app for all Olloclip lens owners” another said “OlloCorrect, Olloclip best friend!” There is a review in German, another review in Spanish, yet another review in French. They are all positive.
However we have 3 ratings in the App Store – all one star (from a possible five) all saying the app crashes. This is a big disappointment. There is certainly a problem – but it is hard to reproduce. The app was stable during the latest Beta testing.
Not one of the people rating the app got in touch with our support. Apps go through testing by Apple and it is not possible to release an app unless it basically functions.
The most likely cause of crashing is a lack of memory. One person raised the problem on Twitter and after powering off/on the iPhone the app worked fine. The main effect of powering the phone off/on is to start back up with the maximum amount of memory available.
People have gone so far as to write positive reviews for their blog and tweet positive remarks. But those people didn’t rate the app in the App Store. The people who rated the app had a negative experience. They got an app that promised something and did not deliver. However it is V1.0 and the app is free. They could have asked for support. Instead they chose to vent their disappointment by giving it the worst possible rating in the most public forum.
The take away from this is that I’m moving to Mars as soon as they set up a colony. But until then I’m assuming the consumer loves to pour negativity in public. Lesson learnt: make things simple and reduce risks of a bad user experience – sounds like a part of Apple’s formula
V1.1 of OlloCorrect is now waiting Apple’s review. If there is still a large number of users mentioning that release crashes then we’ll remove it from the App Store. The intention was to offer something valuable and free to users – not to annoy people.
OlloCorrrect is very memory intensive. It uses code from the prototype of the HiLO Lens app. We know how to solve the memory issues but it requires investing a lot of effort which we can afford if Kickstarter works out.
At the end of the day OlloCorrect will be a valuable experience. I’m just collecting “valuable experiences” a little too often at the moment We love to be loved don’t we.
I just posted a positive review in the app store because I can totally forgive the app crashing on occasion and it’s a great addition to my Olloclip. I totally agree it’s a memory issue because I have exactly the same problem with Hipstamatic, even on my iPhone 4s. Hipstamatic has the option in advanced settings to clear the print queue but that doesn’t fix it… the only way is to restart my phone. Annoying at times but if Ollocorrect produces the best results for me I’ll keep using it in the hope these issues will be resolved when possible. Best of luck guys and well done I say! I tend to think the sign of a professional business is not whether things go wrong because no matter what they ‘sometimes’ will… it’s how you deal with it when they do go wrong that makes the customer loyal.
Thanks Jon. You are helping to restore my faith in humanity
I suspect the underlying issue if how iOS manages memory. If iOS was perfect then restarting the phone would not make a difference. It is extremely difficult to make a rock solid OS that has lots of bells & whistles. I’m sure all the mobile OS developers will be improving this aspect. The unfortunate thing is that app A may not free up memory correctly, so available memory goes down, then when app B starts is runs out of memory and the blame goes on app B – not fair!